Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hindsight is 20/20

On a day where something really life-changing happens to you, do you ever think back to yourself earlier that morning, and the things you were doing while you had absolutely no idea that a life-changing event was about to happen?

Or even looking back to an event that, at the time, seemed like maybe not such a huge deal, but then became a giant deal further down the road...and no. I don't mean like the Butterfly Effect. I do my best to avoid reference to anything Ashton Kutcher makes money off of.

Well then, an example, you say?

All of the fake scenarios I just came up with in my head were way too morbid. I've already talked about hanging eyeballs today. So I'll give you a somewhat trivial, personal example that should help you get the idea...

Anyone that knows me probably knows that this past summer I got attacked with an onslaught of mysterious medical issues. This seemingly never-ending parade of rare and "unrelated" ailments pretty much dictated the course of my summer and fall. It was the most dominant factor in my life for maybe about 4 months. (Side note: They solved the mystery in October, it was a relatively quick fix and now, thankfully, I'm totally fine!)

But I remember the moment it all started...July 5th, sitting in my cubicle at work with my chin resting on my fist. Out of nowhere I felt a pain under my chin, felt it with my fingers and realized I had a swollen gland. Little did I know, this gland that I shrugged off, attributing it to seasonal allergies, would be the first and probably most mild symptom of an undiscovered infection that I would deal with every day for the next 4 months. I can pretty much feel October-Me laughing at July 5th-Me for how dismissive of that symptom I was at that moment, having no idea how much missed work, doctor's appointments and blood tests were about to come my way.

"I got the idea to build a panic room after seeing that movie...'The Butterfly Effect.' I thought to myself, 'Wow, this is terrible. I wish I could escape to a place where this movie could never find me.'"
-Peter Griffin, Family Guy

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