Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"What was I just gonna do?"

There's a lot of thinking required of us as human beings. We have a lot of things we can severely mess up if we aren't thinking for even just a few seconds.

That being said, it's a little scary how often I find myself doing things without even the smallest amount of thought. And when no thought is going into what I'm doing, I usually end up doing the same thing every time.

For example, when I'm not paying attention when I open up my web browser to research something for work I end up typing "www.facebook.com" Then as I'm staring at the Facebook homepage wondering how and why I got there, I'm forgetting why I opened the browser in the first place.

When I'm not thinking as I'm walking somewhere in my house to get something I always end up in my kitchen. Usually staring blankly at all the cabinets. Why did I come here? Oh well, guess I'll grab a snack.

When I lose track of what I'm doing when I turn on the TV I, without fail, end up on the ABC Family channel. I'm 23 years old. Why does that happen?

When I'm walking down the street getting lost in random thoughts, I apparently default to a really mean face. Because it's not uncommon that strangers tell me to smile, or ask me if I'm OK.

When I'm walking through CVS absentmindedly I end up buying EVERYTHING. What the hell did I just spend $70 on??

I guess none of those thoughtless actions are particularly damaging, which is lucky. What if every time I zoned out turning on the TV I ended up buying something on Pay Per View? That could be more costly than a distracted CVS run!

This is somewhat related and in no way a conclusion to what I was just talking about. But you know what's funny? When you're mid-conversation with someone on the phone and you can tell they've totally stopped paying attention. Especially when they're the one talking.

-Dug, UP!

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