Sometimes when I'm in a place like Forever 21, or the grocery store, or even a business meeting, the same thought will run through my mind: When our planet was created, is this what was intended?? If you believe in God, then did God ever think a place like Walmart would exist? Or if you believe in the big bang theory or any other scientific theory, then were millions of earth's particles created so that we could build Macy's?
I think places like Forever 21, Macy's etc. give me this feeling because they're just so full of stuff. It's literally exploding with products. And people. And music. You gotta wonder who the first person was to be like, "You know what would make this open-air market better? Blaring music, and offensive perfume smells. And half-dressed teenagers."
All you have to do to feel like crap in a supermarket is think of all the people in the world that are starving right now. And we are buying cases of flavored seltzer water. How did that happen? (Spare us any comments about slavery or capitalism or how horrible we all are. I'm asking a rhetorical question.)
Business meetings and even sports practices/games always make me stop and think because they get so analytical. Every marketing strategy is laid out, or every game strategy is discussed, and it almost seems kind of funny because we literally made all of this crap up out of thin air. Whenever we use lingo, or have all of this "insider information," it really can't be that complicated or deep because all of it started with a human being saying, "Hey, let's hit this ball with this stick," or "I bet more people will buy ____ if we ___." I refuse to believe anyone when they tell me something is too complicated for me to understand. And I suspect that anyone who tells me that is only saying it because they don't fully understand it themselves.
Anyways, take a look around, think about what you do from day-to-day and try to picture a caveman--sorry, caveperson**--complaining about how much longer his walk to Trader Joe's is as opposed to Shaw's. "Siiigh...grunt....the quality is SO much better but I have to walk right by the sabertooth tiger's lair. you really need organic pomegranates this week??"
"Everything is amazing right now, and no one is happy!"
-Louis C.K. in an awesome interview you should watch
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