Therefore, the smallest issues seem to blow up. One celebrity says something kind of rude and all the sudden hundreds of thousands of people are up in arms. One business fires an employee and that employee gets 345,958 likes on Facebook to try to get her rehired (keep in mind, the vast, vast majority of these people have no idea why the employee actually got fired, they're just jumping on the "this is wrong, look how socially active I am" train.)
Side note--meme style:
Side note--meme style:
So, it seems like we've become pretty sensitive. It seems like EVERYTHING offends us. And in large part, I'm not sure that's true. I'm not positive that as human beings we are any different in feeling than we were 50 years ago, or 100 years ago. I think we are just able to get our complaints out to a giant audience in a way that we never were before.
That being said, here is a list of things that I believe to be exactly as offensive and horrible and ridiculous as people complained that they were...if not more:
-Those Sunchip packages that were so loud they could puncture your ear drum
-Bic Pens for Women
-The plastic wrapping surrounding a DVD
-The twist ties holding Barbies hostage in their packaging
-Ashlee Simpson's on-stage jig as she was caught lip-syncing
-The fact that Jessica Simpson was pregnant for AT LEAST 14 months. At least.
-Booty pop jeans
-Any movie Adam Sandler has made in the past 2 years (and I'm being generous by only saying 2)
-Heidi Montag as a singer, as a celebrity, as a member of the human race...
-Courtney Stodden
-The Shake Weight
If you have any more examples of people/products/events that you truly believe deserved every tweet, Facebook comment and news story it got feel free to contribute!
"I mean, just think over the last 20 years, companies have spent millions of dollars on pills that grow men's hair and fix men's sex lives and now ladies have a pen."
-Ellen Degeneres on Bic Pens for Women
Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch???