Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Carol Complaints

Christmas is probably the time of year that I listen to music the most. There's something about Christmas music that's really comforting. Maybe because it's always the same? They make a brand new Christmas song, what? every 30 years max? It's not easy to crank out a Christmas classic.

Christmas is also the only time of year that I can not only tolerate, but actually love Michael Buble with all of my heart.

But, as much as I love Christmas music, there are a couple of Christmas songs I hear each year that totally bug me. And what would this blog be if I didn't have a weekly bone to pick?

The first song I want to talk about is "Carol of the Bells:"
There is no denying this is an epic song. But it also scares the crap out of me. It starts really soft and high-pitched and eerie, and then they add more music, and more voices, and then they add more music, and all the voices get even louder and then it's this really intense symphony and I feel like I'm stuck in some sort of severe thunderstorm and I just want to cover my ears and rock back and forth in the fetal position. (Ok, look. Now that I'm listening to it as a *mostly* rational 24 year old...this song isn't really that scary. But as I explained here it's hard to get over childhood fears!)

Next up is "Little Saint Nick" that I'm pretty sure has never been sung by anyone other than the Beach Boys. And for good reason.
The song itself is catchy. I like the tune. But, I'm a words-girl and I cannot, in good conscience, listen to a song that includes the line: "Christmas comes this time each year." That's painfully obvious. I don't even know. I'm surprised more people haven't used that line as a Facebook status.

Lastly, but not Darn. Last but not least, is "Santa Baby." To prove my point, I found the most irritating version of this song available:
It is my strong, prudish belief that sex should not be involved in Christmas in any way. So "Santa Baby" really freaks me out. I'm not even sure that I know the majority of the lyrics because I'm always too caught up in the voice every singer uses in that song. It's a sound that can only be made by puckering your lips and maybe removing some clothing.

"Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow."
-"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," (Which I just decided is my favorite Christmas song) Written by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane

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