Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Unnotice this...

I watch way too much TV. I'll put that out there right now. Blah blah blah, my brain is mush, how can I watch that trash, go read a book...I know. And I appreciate the concern. Really.

Ok sorry for beginning the post with a little hostility. I'll be nice now I promise.

Anyways, after you watch enough TV you pick up on some things that are actually really strange, but don't seem strange at all until you notice it. And then once you notice it, you can't unnotice it, and TV is ruined forever!! No, not really. But it really is hard to unnotice.

Ok I'll cut to the chase now.

(What does that expression even mean??)

Ok, for real this time. One thing that I am hopelessly tuned into is how ridiculous laugh tracks are on sitcoms. I started realizing that in The Big Bang Theory, the fake laughing people never shut the hell up. (Random Facebook friends reading this are going, "oh she TOTALLY would watch The Big Bang Theory.")

I just YouTube'd "The Big Bang Theory" and took the first random clip I could find:

I do not need random people guiding me to laugh every time something is supposed to be funny. Or...so I thought...until I just came across this YouTube video...

Crap. Is this show really not funny without the laugh track?

Before I ruin one of my favorite shows for myself, I'm going to move on...

Another thing I've noticed in dramatic shows, and especially suspenseful shows, is that you never really know what's what until the end of the scene where the main character in the scene makes their final facial expression.

I just tried searching YouTube for an example but had no idea how to go about the search so I'm going to just have to explain it.

Say 2 characters are in a conversation, and one is giving the other important information about where to find say...a million dollars. You're wondering to yourself, "Is this really what's happening? Is she really telling that guy where to get the money??" Then at the end of the scene, the guy turns and runs off to get the money, and the camera pans to the woman whose solemn, serious face then cracks into an evil smile. Ohhhh sh$#!! She totally lied about where the money is!!

I'm convinced that if you didn't watch the last 2 seconds of every scene of Revenge, you'd have absolutely NO idea what was going on. The sneaky facial expression is key to understanding who's up to what. Desperate Housewives too, for that matter. 24 did it a lot too.

Ughh, you know what 24 also always did?! Made things that were impossible 5 seconds prior totally possible.

How many times were Chloe's lines:

"I don't think I can hack into the computer Jack...it's encrypted!"
"Ok I'm in the database."

Wow, that was some tough encryption there Chloe. Jack Bauer has more important stuff to do than listen to your completely baseless assessment that some computer, building, or bomb is completely un-crackable when you are going to go on to crack it in literally that same scene.

"Say crack again!"
-Damien, Mean Girls

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