Thursday, August 2, 2012

Excuse Me For Breathing

I read a lot of articles/blogs/written content in general on the internet every day. It is a part of my job, I also do it for entertainment, and to stay up-to-date on what's going on in the world. (Reading the CNN Justice section is a good enough scope of world news, right?)

A lot of what I end up reading are opinion pieces, self-help articles etc. And I can't help but notice that these articles are so critical of people that I feel I can barely take a breath without being one of "those people" any particular article is criticizing.

"8 Types of Facebook Posts You Hate"

"10 Ways to Get Unfollowed on Twitter"

"6 Ways to Know if You Are 'THAT GIRL' Online"

"Types of Faces Only Slutty Girls Make in Pictures"

"20 Social Media Faux Pas You Aren't Aware You're Making"

"Things NOT To Say To Someone After a Breakup"

"How You May Be Accidentally Destroying Your Friendships"

Sorry, I just sneezed...I read in the article "5 Annoying Things About Your Cubical Neighbor" that making any noise whatsoever makes you tough to share office space with. Wouldn't want to be "THAT" co-worker who has to sneeze twice a day for the sole purpose of inconveniencing everyone around her.

Jesus. Can we do anything right??

I understand, probably more than the average person, that life is full of inconvenient situations and people that annoy you. I have struggled to not write blog posts about the latter because I think it's a really unnecessary burden to have to live your life every day wondering if you're inconveniencing or annoying someone just by being yourself. Believe me, I'm thinking about it. I'm human. And I'm a critical human, at that. There are plenty of times I find myself rolling my eyes at "duck faces" posted on Facebook, or cringing at posts that share every horrible detail about someone's 3rd consecutive bad day. But then again every other post on my Facebook is about this blog. And I bet that's annoying to some people out there. So I figure maybe we're even?

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
-Plato? ...they think.

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