Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hey, it's ok to...

Awhile back I wrote about magazines--particularly girly magazines--and the things about them that annoyed me. As entertaining as it is for me to make fun of magazines, I do look forward to reading some of the stuff they put in there. One of my favorite sections of any magazine is in Glamour when they do the "Hey, it's ok to..." Basically it's just a list of things that you may do, or say, or feel and then think to yourself "is that bad??" But then Glamour tells you "Hey! It's ok!" and then you feel better.

So I've come up with a few of my own. Some of them are things that I think/feel/do myself, so this is my way of making those things ok. (It can work like that...right?) Others are things that maybe I don't necessarily do, but I don't judge others for it.

Here goes:

It's ok to...

  • like cold Pop Tarts more than Toaster Strudels.
  • order ice cream when everyone else orders frozen yogurt.
  • think Flo from the Progressive commercials is funny.
  • say "oh my godddd, me too!!" when someone tells you they wish they were going back to college again this fall. Even though you totally don't.
  • be from Boston but like Starbucks more than Dunkin Donuts.
  • not be devastated about summer ending.
  • never update your GPS and then complain when it's not accurate.
  • watch a movie based off a book and never actually intend on reading the book.
  • watch a movie based off a book and say, "that was actually really accurate!" rather than point out every reason that it wasn't.
  • wear something from your fall wardrobe out of excitement and then sweat your ass off all day.
  • not sign up for road races/triathlons. Sometimes running just isn't your thing. Even when they shoot color cannons at your face.
  • make fun of Instagram until you download it and then become obsessed.
  • lie about how often you wash your jeans.

Since I've apparently granted myself the magic power of deeming things to be ok, what else do you want me to approve of?

"I wanna be thirty. Thirty and flirty and thriving."
-Jenna Rink (Jennifer Garner), 13 Going on 30

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