Sunday, May 20, 2012

How convenient...

I fully understand that TV shows and movies are not necessarily realistic, or bound to follow any sort of real-life rules...that being said, I think writers frequently over-apply their creative licenses. I'm all for giant explosions, impossible plot twists, intense love that if you actually look deeper into it borders on abuse etc. But what annoys me most are the smaller details in TV or film that they inconsistently manipulate or flat out ignore for convenience of the plot.

For example, medical dramas are major offenders of this. Frequently there will be patients who flat line, whether it be on the operating table, or in the ambulance or wherever, and in half a second someone is there with the paddles. "CLEAR!!" and we're all good. The patient is revived --- happy ending.

But other times, the patient flat lines and literally no one does anything. Or they all just yell at each other. Or they immediately say "Time of Death 9:02" and leave the room. DID YOU FORGET YOU HAVE MAGIC PADDLES?! COME BACK HERE!! 

Not big on Grey's Anatomy or House? How about Harry Potter?

How freaking convenient is that magic, carry-everything bag that Hermione has in book 7? Actually, JK Rowling can pretty much get away with anything she wants because she is the one making all of this stuff up out of thin air and brain matter. Medical dramas didn't invent defibrillators, but JK Rowling did invent magic as we know it in Harry Potter. So I cut her some slack. But sometimes it's like she's just rubbing her authority in. 

I'll switch over to the HP movies for this example...Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry, Ron and Hermione are running for their lives through the woods trying to escape the snatchers. Are the three of them no longer magical? Where are their wands? How many other times have they been sprinting full speed away from something/someone and have been able to casts spells behind them? But not this time apparently.

On that note...back to watching Harry Potter Weekend on ABC Family :)

"Pick ME, choose ME, love ME"
-Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy


  1. How about SVU? I'd love to hear your thoughts on that!

  2. The 20 page paper I wrote on SVU last year has fully prepared me for this question. Blog post to follow soon! Thanks Taylor :)

  3. I thought the same thing when Mr. Weasley made the back seat of his car larger in the second book!
