Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Get with the [online] program!

At work I have a lot of clients that deal with internet security. Learning more about the topic inspired me to change my passwords to ridiculous things like T#djn3*xx%A (that's not really my password for anything so don't bother.) But one thing I refuse to let knowing more about the internet do is make me paranoid to put any information on there. Because avoiding the internet is really inconvenient. It is completely ridiculous to balance your checkbook on paper when you can just check your statement online (Dad...). It is a lot easier to find out where the hell you are when you allow Google maps to access your location.

Mostly I justify giving multiple websites information about myself by assuring myself that I am really not that important. If Facebook has nothing better to do than click through some old pictures of mine that I thought I deleted...that's probably a bad sign for business. If they want to re-purpose any of my pictures for any sort of marketing...they are really hurting for material.

Maybe if I was someone who actually mattered in the larger scheme of life, politics, etc. I would care more about my online presence. Not that I'm reckless about it now anyways...that's just common sense. But maybe it's time for everyone to just adapt to the internet age. In the past there was never a forum, accessible 24/7 that offered infinite ways in which to both ruin your reputation, and simultaneously broadcast it to the world. Things are different now. It's a lot harder for people to mask their idiocy when their common sense doesn't always move at 4G speeds.

I completely understand people will not agree with my viewpoint about accepting the internet for what it is (a highly convenient tool that usually requires more information from you for the sake of becoming even more convenient for you) and adapting accordingly. But these same people will also not be current with relevant and useful technology, and will be missing out on a lot of great things. If you do not have a Facebook you are out of the loop. You may not care to be in the loop...but I'm judging you for it. People have this fear that technology is ruining our lives. Facebook is ruining our communication skills. Instant Messenger is ruining our ability to speak in complete sentences. But these people are the same type of people who refer to the 1950's and 60's as the "good old days" even if they weren't around for them. Ahh, the good old days of segregation and the Red Scare. Sounds awesome.

There will always be people who hide their money under their mattresses because they don't trust banks. And look, you can go through your whole life being fearful of things...there are enough giant banking scandals, websites losing millions of credit card numbers etc. to confirm and perpetuate these fears...but the bottom line is that, to me at least, it is not worth it to be this way. The world is changing the way it operates and if you don't adapt it will leave you behind. Regardless of whether you view that as a good thing or bad thing, it is a fact. For those of us who embrace the change, just continue to be smart, practice moderation, and think before you hit send. Of course there is always a risk, but what super-tool wouldn't come with any drawbacks?

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in awhile, you might miss it."
-Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), Ferris Bueller
...if you haven't picked up on it yet, some of these quotes are really only partially relevant to what I write about. I know Ferris Bueller wasn't really referring to missing out on technology when he said this. I just like the quote.

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